Category Archives: Financial Times

The Financial Times launches ‘Fast FT’

The Financial Times has launched a new ‘bite-sized news’ section of its website.

Fast FT, which also has its own Twitter account, will provide rolling business news and expert commentary in short articles (up to 250 words long) and is designed to meet the needs of increasingly mobile readers.

You can read more about the launch at The Guardian and see screen shots via PaidContent.

Pearson reveals mobile traffic statistics

According to Pearson’s 2012 annual report, 30% of’s traffic is coming via mobile devices – including 15% of new subscriptions.

Pearson has continued to invest in mobile technology, including the launch of a Windows 8 app.  The Financial Times passed the 50% digital subscriptions milestone in 2012.

Penguin e-books accounted for 17% of global book revenues (up from 12% in 2011).

Source: The Appside

Pearson profits up 72%

Pearson has reported its pre-tax profits in 2011 increased to £1.15bn. E-book sales at Penguin have doubled. Revenues in the FT Group increased by approximately 7%. and profits went up by 27%. In the US, the numbers of digital subscribers to the FT has now outstripped print subscribers.

For more detailed analysis see

Financial Times launches new Android app

The Financial Times has launched a new version of its Android app which has been designed to maximise the user interface and other features of Android devices.

The app includes features which are increasingly popular with magazine and newspaper apps including automatic content updates and offline access.
Mobile access is a key area of growth for the Financial times and is now the biggest channel for digital subscriptions.
More on this story from Paid Content.